Municipal Law


Dickinson Bradshaw has an extensive track record of handling high-profile cases for various government entities of all sizes, including municipal utilities and county level government units, school districts and school boards, housing authorities, and other political subdivisions and quasi-governmental entities. Our municipal law firm’s lawyers have ensured government entities comply with transparency laws governing open records and meetings. 

A Teamwork Approach to Your Municipal Legal Issues

Our roster of experienced municipal lawyers works in conjunction with other legal divisions of the firm to handle the most complex legal issues. Attorneys from divisions such as environmental law, real estate law, and employment and labor law often assist with our municipal cases. This teamwork approach allows us to offer expert legal advice to departments across Federal, state, and local governments on a wide variety of municipal matters. 

Litigation Experience

When necessary, our litigation attorneys have successfully litigated federal and state court cases involving civil rights, including but not limited to, police liability claims involving search and seizure, excessive use of force, and claims alleging illegal governmental policies and customs. Attorneys in the practice area also handle employment discrimination, sexual harassment, wrongful discharge, defamation, tort claims, and Iowa property tax assessment.

When you need a government litigation law firm, the municipal law team members of Dickinson Bradshaw are here to help you deal with any governmental entity. Our experienced attorneys have served on municipal boards and commissions, and understand the importance of accountability at all levels of government. Our work in this area of law includes:

  • All aspects of water utility law
  • Leases and 28E Agreements
  • Economic development laws 
  • Property tax assessments
  • Compliance with open records and open meetings
  • Municipal litigation
  • Law enforcement defense
  • Zoning and variance disputes

Have a municipal legal issue and need legal assistance? Contact one of our attorneys below today for experienced, efficient municipal legal services.