Cybersecurity, Data Breach, & Privacy


When your business is subject to a data breach, your first call should be to a qualified Des Moines, IA-based attorney who can help you maximize the coverage of the attorney-client privilege, minimize potential damages, and formulate a response plan that takes into account legal, regulatory, and reputational considerations. The attorneys at Dickinson Bradshaw are uniquely positioned to serve your business before or after a data breach has occurred.

Preparation and Prevention

In today's environment, you can never fully prevent a data breach. You can ensure that you have appropriate policies and procedures in place to 1) prevent a data breach to the extent practicable, 2) detect potential data breaches as soon as possible, and 3) respond appropriately after a data breach has occurred.  With a patchwork of state and federal laws and regulations, along with differing industry standards, this can be a daunting task. The attorneys at Dickinson Bradshaw can review your current cybersecurity, data breach, and privacy practices and help you create a plan that fits both legal and regulatory requirements as well as the realities of your business.


When a data breach occurs, you will need to quickly evaluate the breadth of the breach and formulate a response plan.  This can involve dealing with third-party vendors, merchants, state and federal regulators, law enforcement, and forensic experts.  It will also involve notifying and protecting your customers.  DMTH can assist in all of these tasks, giving you the comfort of attorney-client privileged communications and compliance with state and federal laws. Because a quick response can be so crucial in the event of a data breach, Dickinson Bradshaw attorneys are prepared to rapidly evaluate and respond to cases needing immediate assistance.


Dickinson Bradshaw is prepared to manage conflicts in the case of a data breach.
