Ankeny Arrest is a Reminder that CBD Products Remain Illegal in Iowa
Posted on 12/12/2019 at 12:09 PM by Emily Staudacher
Last week, an Ankeny woman was arrested for selling products that contained cannabidiol, or CBD, as it is widely known. This incident is a stark reminder that despite the passage of the 2018 Farm Bill, CBD and other hemp products are still illegal in Iowa. Until the USDA approves the state’s plan for hemp production, CBD is considered to be the same as marijuana under Iowa law. And even after the USDA has approved the state’s plan, most CBD products will remain in violation of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act. If a CBD product is ingestible or makes any therapeutic or health claims, it must be approved by the FDA prior to sale, therefore, most CBD products on the market today will remain illegal until the FDA issues new regulations or guidance on the products.
Categories: Agribusiness Law, Agricultural Law, Banking Law, Business Law
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