New Cybersecurity and Tax Webinars March 27 & 28
Posted on 02/23/2018 at 04:49 PM by The Newsroom
As part of our commitment to helping Iowa businesses grow and thrive, Dickinson Law is pleased to announce two new webinars March 27 and 28.
Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency
Dickinson Attorneys John Lande and Laura Wasson will be discussing the latest issues from the rapidly changing worlds of Cybersecurity and Cyrptotechnology. Topics include:
- Cryptocurrency as collateral
- What your Cybersecurity insurance policy needs to contain
March 27, 2018 at 12pm CST. Click here to register
Sales and Use Tax for Manufacturers
Join Dickinson Law attorney Cody Edwards as he discusses the ins and outs of Iowa Sales and Use tax for manufacturers.
Topics include:
- Often overlooked exemptions for manufacturers.
- What is a "Manufacturer" for purposes of Iowa sales tax?
- Typical audit issues/exposure areas for manufacturers.
March 28, 2018 at 12pm CST. Click here to Register
Categories: Cody Edwards, Laura Wasson, Cybersecurity Law, Taxation Law, John Lande
Questions, Contact us today.
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