Undersecretary Northey Discusses Market Facilitation Program

Emily Staudacher, Des Moines Iowa, Dickinson Law Firm, Iowa Agribusiness Law

Posted on 08/14/2018 at 11:04 AM by Emily Staudacher

On August 13, 2018, Bill Northey, the Under Secretary for Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services (FFAS), discussed the Market Facilitation Program.  Under Secretary Northey stated that the target rollout for the program is September 4, 2018, and he hopes that producers will be able to sign up the first week in September.  He also noted that the details surrounding the program are not public because the USDA is currently in the middle of the rulemaking process.  The rules will be noticed in the Federal Register prior to September 4.  Northey stated that the goal is to make the certification of production as simple as possible for producers so they can determine whether they want to participate in the program.  Northey also encouraged producers to visit Farmers.gov for more information, however, as of this writing I did not locate any information regarding the tariff aid program on the website.  It is my assumption that as details and forms emerge they will be posted on Farmers.gov.

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Emily Staudacher 


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