On Demand Webinar: COVID-19 Potpourri – Employment Issues Not to Be Overlooked, Especially When Re-Opening for Business
Posted on 06/04/2020 at 12:18 PM by The Newsroom
There has been a flurry of activity from a wide variety of federal government agencies in the labor and employment arenas due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to issuing regulations and guidances for new statutes, and providing new interpretations of existing regulations, some have actually loosened compliance requirements, while others are reminding employers there is no room for relaxation. So much to consider as businesses reopen!
An On Demand webinar* is now available to raise your awareness of the below issues as you reopen your business:
- Payroll Protection Program considerations for HR
- OSHA – federal guidance vs. state plans
- EEOC reasonable accommodations and testing
- I-9 employment verification & H1-B visas
- HIPAA rules
- DOT/FMCSA drug & alcohol testing
- Essential Infrastructure Businesses
- COBRA and extensions of benefits coverage
- Anti-Trust reminders for employment issues from the DOJ & FTC
- Business re-opening issues including FLSA, force majeure clauses in unemployment contracts, and telecommuting policies and agreements.
The webinar features the Employment & Labor Law Attorneys of Dickinson Law and first aired on June 3rd in conjunction with the Tri-State Human Resource Association.
Click here to view the webinar recording*
*The material presented is current as of five business days prior to June 3, 2020. It is designed and intended for general informational purposes only. It is not intended and it should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice. Viewers should check for new laws, regulations, FAQs, Q&As, or other guidance from applicable government agencies before using these materials.
Categories: Andrea Rastelli, David Gonzales, Mike Staebell, Melissa Schilling, Bryan O'Neill, Jill Jensen-Welch, Russ Samson, Employment & Labor Law
Questions, Contact us today.
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